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About us

The company

The company

Assured railway safety

Schweizer Electronic is the market leader in Europe for on track automated protection on busy railways for both passenger and freight lines. Railway automation and high-availability radio systems complement the product range and market segments.

Organization Chart

How we are organised


Business Units

Management Board

The faces behind the company

Peter Schweizer

CEO / Chairman of the Board

T: +41 62 749 07 30

Stefan Dürrenberger

Work protection (market)

T: +41 62 749 06 21 T: +41 79 321 73 46

Thomas Koch

Radio systems (market)

T: +41 62 749 06 50 T: +41 79 350 38 74

Pascal Mamin

Railway automation (market)

T: +41 62 749 06 92 T: +41 79 210 19 70

Dirk Neumann

Work protection & Radio systems (product)

T: +41 62 749 06 20 T: +41 79 532 16 87

Bodo Gräbner

Railway automation (product)

T: +41 62 749 06 96 T: +41 79 357 94 28

Stefanie Biala

Innovation & Digitisation

T: +41 62 749 07 80 T: +41 79 934 91 11

Paolo Miori

Corporate services / CFO

T: +41 62 749 07 43 T: +41 79 968 94 81

Organization chart

Other contacts

Sandra Oesch

Head Human Resources

T: +41 62 749 07 07

Anita Müller

Head of Communication and Marketing

T: +41 62 749 07 46

Mauro Pincardini

Head of Training

T: +41 62 749 06 28

Daniel Klausner

Head Quality, Safety & Security

T: +41 62 749 06 46

International subsidiaries

United Kingdom

Neil Bradbury

Branch Manager UK

T: +44 182 728 99 96 T: +44 7923 22 1686

Nathan Moore

Sales Engineering Manager UK

T: +44 182 728 99 96 T: +44 7593 58 6547

Schweizer Electronic Ltd,

Unit 3 Falcon Park, Claymore
Tame Valley Industrial Estate
B77 5DQ

At Schweizer Electronic Ltd, we specialise in the sales and rental of our industry-leading Minimel Lynx Track Warning Systems, renowned for its reliability and performance. We also offer the innovative and cost-effective Vamos and Flex crossing systems, designed to enhance rail safety and efficiency.

To support our sales and rental operations, we provide comprehensive design and consultancy services, ensuring our customers receive tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. Additionally, we offer warehousing and storage facilities, providing convenient and secure options for our customers across the UK.


Uwe Vonderlind

Branch Manager Germany

T: +49 6659 97894 00 T: +49 171 367 21 76

Martin Vonderlind

Responsible for the rental of warning systems (M2S Services&

T: +49 6659 97894 00 T: +49 172 844 68 70

Schweizer Electronic Deutschland GmbH

Am Queracker 10
DE-36124 Eichenzell


Willi Carzolio

Branch Manager Italy

T: +39 02 8942 6332 T: +39 345 76 52 748

Giancarlo D'Ambruoso

Sales Manager Italy

T: +39 02 894 263 32 T: +39 349 400 8254

Schweizer Electronic S.r.l.

Via Giuseppe di Vittorio 55
20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)

Our facility offers spacious areas that allow room for maintenance and repair of some components. We take care of the logistics for customers in connection with the periodic overhauls of MM95 control centres to and from the headquarters. In addition, we ensure the availability of Minimel components during the overhaul of your own devices.


Richard Garceau

Branch Manager France

T: +33 6 63 74 34 25

Vincent Lipatoff

Sales Manager France

T: +33 6 98 09 67 07

David Laya

Warning Systems Technical, Support and Training Manager France

T: +33 6 08 47 25 43

Schweizer Electronic France SAS

23 rue Jules VERNE
63100 Clermont-Ferrand


Manfred Trost

Branch Manager Austria

T: +43 7666 209 55 T: +43 664 964 2512

Schweizer Electronic GmbH

Rablstrasse 25
AT-4600 Wels

Our main business focuses on the rental of modern warning systems that not only make construction sites safer, but also equip large construction machines with innovative machine warnings.
Our dedicated team not only takes care of the annual maintenance of the warning systems, but also offers comprehensive training for operators, fitters and maintenance staff for a wide range of systems.
Equipment hire is handled by our Austrian office, from where the relevant material is delivered directly from our main warehouse in Reiden, Switzerland to the construction sites. Schweizer Electronic therefore not only offers high-quality technology, but also a seamless and efficient service for construction projects of all kinds.


Pablo Rozpide

Branch Manager Spain

T: +34 91 391 30 19 T: +34 610 26 08 83

Schweizer Electronic Iberica SL

Zurbaran 10
ES-28010 Madrid
Company policy

Our values

Safety first - a matter of course

The main focus of our global business is safety first. Our product range and services have been adopted and are used across around the world to protect people and goods.

We meet the increased demands of our customers by means of an organisation that has been developed and adapted to collaborate and support their requirements. A process definition based on railway safety standards, clear competences and a clear understanding of each individual client.

Services focused on customer needs

We realise security by means of technology. In our core areas of

  • safe radio remote transmission,
  • occupational safety on railway construction sites and
  • railway automation,

we maintain and expand our market leadership. Both the company and the employees at all levels focus their thoughts and actions on the customer. In doing so, we are committed to high ethical principles and integrated business practices.

Independent and economically successful company development
Our confidence in our values and our skills create an environment that allows us to focus on both current and our future developements to the benefit of our customers We plan our goals and pursue them continuously. We highlight our success and use means and knowledge for a long-term, positive and economically successful company development.

Attractive product range
By continuously and organically expanding our specialist knowledge and by collaborating and working with our customers, we create the optimum conditions for offering market leading and professional solutions. Economic aspects such as availability and reliability as well as ecology are already incorporated into our products during the development phase. The solutions, systems and equipment we produce and develop are therefore cost-saving, environmentally compatible over their entire life cycle and correspond to the state of the art and market requirements.

Dynamic organisation
We arecontinuously improving our processes and services in order to meet our customers' growing need for security. Our commitment to high-quality services and products and our focus on reliable & secure technology enable us to react quickly to changing needs.

Legal compliance
Wir halten uns an die Gesetze, Verordnungen, Normen und Richtlinien eines jeden Landes in dem wir tätig sind. Mit unseren Zertifizierungen ISO 9001:2015 und DIN EN 50126:2017 unterstreichen wir die Einhaltung aller rechtlichen Vorgaben in den jeweiligen Regionen.

In awareness of our special responsibility as a company with safety-related tasks, we select our supply partners carefully.

Ethical sourcing
Respect and personal integrity determine our dealings with each other and our outward behaviour towards society and the environment. We create task-related, progressive employment conditions and take the safety and health of our employees into account. Together, through our common thinking and discipline, we make our environment safer.

Long-term cooperation with partners
We set high quality standards for selected suppliers and strive for a long-term cooperation in partnership with them. In awareness of our special responsibility as a company with safety-related tasks, we carefully select our partners according to defined selection and evaluation criteria.

Motivated employees

We provide our dedicated and loyal employees with a motivating job through open communication, education and a commitment to allow personal developement. We provide them with a modern working environment. Our employees are characterised by a high degree of personal responsibility together with a healthy sense of professional pride.

Open, fast and active communication
We inform our stakeholders openly, quickly and actively. According to the principle of internal before external, we first inform our employees, then our external partners. We respect the opinions of others and thus promote mutual understanding.

Permanently high quality
We guarantee our customers a permanently high level of quality. In order to achieve this, we standardise our processes and encourage feedback to regularly check them with regard to process control. Any identified potential for improvement is assessed, compliance checked and implemented as quickly as possible.


Environmental Policy

The environment is important to us!

Implementing a strong and robust environmental policy that has clear objectives and monitoring, the extent to which we can demonstrate how our environmental objectives have been achieved.

We aim to mitigate climate change by avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas emissions or by complying with climate-friendly policies to reduce the net contribution to climate change

We do our best to protect the environment through professional disposal and environmentally friendly consumption of resources (e.g. rainwater instead of fresh water as rinsing water).

Integration of environmental aspects and principles of sustainable development in product development.

We comply with the environmental standards of each country in which we operate.