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Brief information

The Flex level crossing system is based on a uniform, scalable and modular platform, which is largely based on standard industrial components. This results in low acquisition costs, longer maintenance intervals, lower maintenance costs, little training effort for all level crossing types and easy procurement and long-term availability of spare parts.

Contact sales

Rental of warning systems (M2S):
+41 62 749 0 777 (7x24h)

Machine warning systems (MWK):
+41 62 749 0 695

Permanent warning systems (PWA/ISP):
+41 62 749 0 771 (7x24h)

Level crossings (flex/eBue):
+41 62 749 0 772 (7x24h)

  • Uniform, flexible and freely scalable system platform
  • Intelligent diagnostic system
  • Use of industrial components
  • Intelligent cable and supply system
  • Low life cycle costs (LCC)
Important features

Flex Control

Flex Control is the heart of the Flex level crossing system. It is based on a uniform, flexible and scalable control platform. Flex Control offers all common interfaces to sensors such as axle counters and rail contacts, to signals and actuators such as light signals and barriers as well as for interlocking connections. With Flex Control, every conceivable situation at a level crossing can be controlled - right up to the integrated road traffic control system with traffic lights.


Flex Life

Flex Life is a very powerful system for operation, logging and diagnosis of Flex level crossing systems. It monitors predefined system parameters and detects deviations and malfunctions. The extensive functions of Flex Life provide you with optimum information and support throughout the entire system life. This reduces the life cycle costs considerably.

Flex LED

The Flex LED is fully compatible LED light system for level crossings that meets the highest requirements. The fully dual-channel design enables the highest safety level SIL 4. With Flex LED, unplanned interventions to rectify faults are a thing of the past. The design with two Power LEDs per channel allows unrestricted and safe operation even in the event of a partial failure.


Further products from the area of level crossings