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Network Rail UK grants approval for Flex MSL

In close cooperation with Network Rail UK, Schweizer Electronic has developed the Flex Miniature Stop Light level crossing system, or "Flex MSL" for short, over the past few months. The new Flex MSL system has the same basic functionalities as the tried and tested level crossing system "Vamos", but has been extended by the functionality of reading in the status of one track signal per track via an interface.
Thanks to this functionality extension, trains can stop in the strike-in section and the level crossing is only switched on when the train is released. This means that in future many level crossings can be upgraded with Flex MSL, which will further reduce the number of unsecured level crossings and significantly increase safety on Network Rail's rail network.
The Flex MSL system has been granted the Certificate of Acceptance after intensive testing and several months of trial operation and is now ready to be used on Network Rail's rail network.

Network Rail

Schweizer Electronic Flex MSL