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Brief information

Minimel-RSR123 is a contact-free, inductive rail treadle for automatic identification of train movement. The rail treadles can be used as strike-in or strike-out points. Train movements are automatically detected according to the direction of travel.

Contact sales

Stig Oliver Buch

T +41 62 749 06 17
Contact rental

Rental of warning systems (M2S):
+41 62 749 0 777 (7x24h)

Machine warning systems (MWK):
+41 62 749 0 695

Permanent warning systems (PWA/ISP):
+41 62 749 0 771 (7x24h)

Level crossings (flex/eBue):
+41 62 749 0 772 (7x24h)

  • Automatic train detection
  • Can be used as a strike-in or strike-out point
  • Without mechanical wear
  • Compatible with existing cable systems Minimel 95
  • Radio connection to the EZE-L via HSF-L
Important features

Contact-free detection

The RSR123 detects trains contact-free through induction, thus there is no mechanical wear on the detection device.

Wireless radio connection

When connecting the mechanical rail treadle to a Minimel-Lynx HSF-L it connects to the central controller EZE-L through radio. This results in a significant saving on cables. Additional HSF-L can be used as radio repeaters to cover an even larger distance between the strike-in point and the central controller.

Cascading of strike-in / strike-out points

Multiple strike-in / strike-out points can be cascaded. This results in a significant saving on cables, especially when using a cable-based system such as Minimel 95.


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