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Warning systems

Signal box-based warning systems

Brief information

When used as a "Signal Controlled Warning System" (SCWS), the approaching trains and rail vehicles are detected by data from the signalling system (interlocking, control system) and a timely warning is issued. It is not necessary to install temporary train detectors or to use advance warnings. Only the EZE-MWA control centre and any other warning devices must be placed on the site.

The Minimel Lynx as SCWS is typically used on all types of construction sites. It is used to protect both very short-term punctual interventions and long-term measures with a large spatial extension of several hundred metres.

The position of the construction sites, the required warning parameters (advance warning time, warning terms) and the map with the railway network are configured on a web application or imported via interface. A warning computer determines the switch-on and switch-off points for the construction sites completely automatically on the basis of this data and monitors the movements on the railway network. The movements of rail vehicles are made available to the warning computer by the interlocking or the control system.

Contact sales
Contact rental

Rental of warning systems (M2S):
+41 62 749 0 777 (7x24h)

Machine warning systems (MWK):
+41 62 749 0 695

Permanent warning systems (PWA/ISP):
+41 62 749 0 771 (7x24h)

Level crossings (flex/eBue):
+41 62 749 0 772 (7x24h)


These are the individual components