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Temporary warning systems

Minimel Lynx LOWS - Manually triggered radio warning system

Brief information

The Minimel Lynx warning system warns people in the vicinity of the track of approaching trains. When used as a "Lookout Operated Warning System" (LOWS), the detection of train movements by persons (pre-warners) is done manually. The HSF-L handheld transmitter reports the detected train to the EZE-L control centre, which triggers the acoustic and visual warning. The departure of the train from the construction site is also acknowledged manually at the EZE-L control unit and the warning is cancelled.

Minimel Lynx is used as a LOWS on construction sites with small dimensions, such as maintenance work, moving construction sites, vegetation maintenance or switch conversions.

Contact sales

Stig Oliver Buch

T +41 62 749 06 17
Contact rental

Rental of warning systems (M2S):
+41 62 749 0 777 (7x24h)

Machine warning systems (MWK):
+41 62 749 0 695

Permanent warning systems (PWA/ISP):
+41 62 749 0 771 (7x24h)

Level crossings (flex/eBue):
+41 62 749 0 772 (7x24h)


These are the individual components


We offer this service

Consulting and sales

Our experienced and competent specialists will be happy to assist you in choosing the most suitable system configuration for your applications. All applications are taken into account and the most economical solution is worked out with you.


You need additional material for a construction site? Or would you like to rent a whole plant without any worries? Our rental professionals will support you in planning the construction site, deliver the required material directly on site and install the system for you - so that your people can start working right away.

For further information, see Renting warning systems


The warning systems are used in all weathers in the harsh construction site environment. To ensure that all devices function reliably at all times, we will be happy to carry out the legally required periodic maintenance for you. If necessary, we repair damaged devices quickly and easily and ensure that you can do your work at any time with replacement devices.

For further information see: Maintenance of warning systems

Education and training


Safety on railway construction sites is our top priority. Our courses and training for operators, fitters and planners are consistently geared to this goal. The practice-oriented training with many application examples ensures the course participants are suitably proficient and competent Further information about our courses and registration can be found here.

For further information, see Training warning systems

  • The rapid installation on the construction site as well as the very high reliability and availability of the system allow efficient work with maximum safety
  • The system is quick, easy and effortless to configure, set up and commission on site
  • Ergonomic design and low weight for fatigue-free working
  • Batteries can be changed without interrupting operation
  • Choice between manual or automatic train detection
  • The modular structure of the system allows a wide range of configurations for every application from small construction sites to complex construction site situations
  • Optimised manpower requirements with increased safety through monitored radio connection
  • Separate train detection at up to four announcement points
  • Automatic man monitoring by motion sensors
  • Autonomous use of several construction teams in the same radio room
About the machine

Automatic attention monitoring

The patent-pending vigilance circuit monitors the operator's attention by analysing the movement pattern. In case of inattention a warning is given. The operator is not distracted in his activity by repeatedly pressing a key.

Collective and individual warning

In the case of collective warning, the system warns all persons present together. In the case of the individual warning, each person wears his or her own warning device and is warned only personally.
The radio-based EWK-L, the wired AW126-L and the compact EWK-L-A are available as collective warning devices. The individual warning is given via the EPW, which is worn on the body and equipped with headphones.

Maximum configuration

A maximum of 10 EWK-L radio-based warning devices can be controlled from one EZE-L control unit. If a longer warning chain is required, the EWK-L warning device can be extended with up to 16 wired warning devices AW126-L, which gives a maximum site length of 450 m. The number of individual EPW warning devices is not limited.